Economics and business plays an important role in our daily economic life.
IYSA believes that the eld of economics and business can also be one of the
categories that we can compete in making projects related to problems that
occur in the global world today and also their solutions.
Therefore, our Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) Indonesia will
hold an international-level Invention competition special for Business and
Economics eld called “International Youth Business Competition" as the
right learning platform to train students in deep-learning skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, innovation, and problem solving.
Indonesian Young Scientists Association (IYSA) is an institution that moves on
the development of the potential, talents and creativity of the Indonesian students by providing opportunities for Indonesian students on competition
and non scientic competition domestically or abroad.
Therefore IYSA stands as a form of our deep concern provide opportunities
for Indonesian students specically, in order to bring up potential and the
skills needed and soul-building competition in them selves. We do this to
create improvements in life. Because, we believe that every student has potential which can be developed.
Since its inception, IYSA has been active in a variety of ways activities that can
be aliated with a lot countries like: Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, China,
India, Taiwan, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Abu Dhabi and others.